What to Expect

No matter where we live, we are exposed to toxins from our environment, our foods, our water, the chemicals we use in our homes and on our bodies, and the air that we breathe.

This cleanse will focus on main practices to greatly impact your health, as there so many things in our bodies that are impacted by toxins and benefit from regular cleansing. As with all detoxification, there is focus on the liver.

Detox workshop includes all supplements necessary, as well as a cleanse booklet with instructions and recipes. The classes will be full of information that you can use to help improve energy, joint pain, clear skin, and detoxify your liver and overall body.

What improvements can you expect?

* Clearer Thinking

* Better sleep

* Increased Energy

* Better Digestive Function

* Better Overall Liver Function

* Fewer (or NO!) Headaches

* Weight Loss

* Clear Skin

* Hormonal Balance (fewer hot flashes, less PMS)

* Less Joint Pain

* Better blood sugar control

* Improved Nutritional Habits

* Up-To-Date Information about Toxins and how to avoid

What are the basic detox guidelines?


* Dairy

* Eggs

* Glutens

* Refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, cookies, muffins)

* Sugar

* Caffeine

* Alcohol

* Red meat

* Toxic Cleaning Chemicals

* Personal care products with toxins (will be discussed during the classes)

What you can have:

* Detox supplements, which includes a vegan protein powder

* Fruits and vegetables

* Whole grains, as long as they are gluten free

* Lean organic chicken and seafood that is low in mercury

* There are lots of awesome recipes and a meal planning guide in the Detox instruction booklet!

* There are many recipes here on my website and we are adding more each time we hold a cleanse.

Join our upcoming Cleanse!

We are happily back in person. If you can’t make the meetings, please listen to the audio recording of the meetings that will be sent out.

Thursday evenings, March 14, 21 and 28, from 6:30-8 pm Cost: $345 - includes supplements, recipe and guide book and classes led by yours truly. I have been leading detox groups for 20 years, and every year try to make improvements so that they are the best they can be. Our plan is to meet at my home in west Petaluma, and we’ll send that address out to those who’ve registered prior to the first meeting.

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