Botanicals & Supplements
Willowbend Natural Medicine has a small in-office dispensary of very high quality nutritional supplements and herbal products for our patients.
While we don’t expect or insist that patients purchase products here, the ones that we have vetted for superior quality and best results are available for optimal convenience and health of our patients.
When supplements or herbal products are recommended for patients during office visits, we are always happy to give patients options for other places to purchase things. But there is a great disparity in quality - both in purity and standardization of active ingredients - between companies. With very little government oversight, it is up to patients to be sure that they are purchasing quality and effective products.
Many over-the-counter supplements use raw materials purchased inexpensively overseas to maximize profits. The products that we carry here all have the very highest oversight and quality control methods in place at their companies.
As a local small business, we greatly appreciate your patronage. And will always offer the highest quality supplements and herbs and the best price we can offer.
Herbal Products from Heron Botanicals
- Bitters Glycerite
Ingredients: vegetable glycerin, water, Horehound, Dandelion root, Yarrow, Blue Vervain, Gentian, Dandelion leaf, Oregon Grape, citric acid, trace alcohol
Ceanothus Tincture (single herb)
Clean Waters
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Buchu, Pipsissewa, Uva-Ursi Pacific Madone, Couch Grass, Canadian Goldenrod, Juniper, White Sage, Echinacea augustifolia, Ginger, citric acid
- Cool Breeze Tincture
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Kava, Skullcap, Pacific Valerian, St. John’s Wort, Bugleweed, Jujube, Jamaican Dogwood, Lobelia, Gelsemium, vinegar, citric acid
Curcuma longa (single herb)
Dampen the Fire
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Western Stoneseed, Fucus thallus, Motherwort, Bugleweed, Lemon Balm, Watercress, Mullein, Horseradish, citric acid
- Easy Mover Tincture
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Oregon Grape, Dock, Licorice, Chinese Rhubarb, Cascara Sagrada, Dandelion root, Cramp Bark, Ginger, citric acid
- ElephanTonic Tincture
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Bacopa, Eleuthero, Rosemary, Angelica, Mexican White Sagebrush, White Sage, Toothed Clubmoss, citric acid
- Gentle Dreams Tincture
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Pacific Valerian, Catnip, Passionflower, Skullcap, Lemon Balm, California Poppy, Chamomile, Linden, Rose, citric acid
Gingko biloba tincture (single herb)
Hekates Crossroads
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Partridge Berry, Black Haw, Stinging Nettle, Black Cohosh, Yellow Pond-Lily, Motherwort, Dong Quai, Echinacea Angustifolia, citric acid
- Herbal Biotic
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Echinacea angustifolia, Blue Elder, Garlic, Propolis, Oregon Grape, Horseradish, Poke, Wild Indigo, Gray’s Lovage, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Chaparral.
- Lady of the Lake Tincture
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Cramp Bark, Black Cohosh, Motherwort, Pacific Valerian, Black Haw, Western Pasque Flower, Yarrow, Blue Vervain, Chinese Peony (“White Peony”), Chaste Tree, citric acid
- Lightning Never Strikes Twice
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, St. Johns Wort, Skullcap, Lobelia, Passionflower, Pacific Valerian, Oat seed (milk stage), Blue Vervain, Black Cohosh, California Poppy, Hyssop, Cramp Bark, Bupleurum, Chinese Skullcap, vinegar, citric acid
Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm) Glycerite (single herb)
Modified Roberts Formula
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Echinacea angustifolia, Marshmallow, Goldenseal, Cranesbill, Ginger, Poke, citric acid.
- Mushroom Blend
Ingredients: water, alcohol, Reishi fruiting body, Shiitake fruiting body, Turkey Tail fruiting body.
- No Moss (acute)
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Khella, Madder, Lobelia, Trumpetweed, Horse Chestnut, Corn stigma and style, Dandelion, Canadian Goldenrod, Hydrangea, Horsetail, Couch Grass, Saw Palmetto, citric acid.
- On the Hunt
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Echinacea angustifolia, Ocotillo, St. John’s Wort, Dyer’s Woad, Poke root, Fendler’s Ceanothus, Blue Elder, Wild Indigo, Eleuthero, Gray’s Lovage, Lomatium, Violet, citric acid
- Out of Thin Air (pediatric)
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Khella, Horehound, Canadian Goldenrod, Cramp Bark, Gray’s Lovage, Blue Elder, Yerba Santa, Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Anise, Lobelia, Licorice, Mullein, citric acid
- The Pause Tincture
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Black Cohosh, Chaste Tree, White Sage, Dong quai, St. Johns wort, Motherwort, Yellow Pond-Lily, Licorice, Black Haw, Alfalfa, citric acid
- Peles Nemesis Tincture
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, White Sage, Chaste Tree, Motherwort, Black Cohosh, Cramp Bark, Yarrow, Yellow Pond-Lily, Alfalfa, Burdock, Wild Yam, citric acid
Rhodiola rosea Tincture (single herb)
Root of Life Tincture
Ingredients: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, Astragalus, Devil’s Club, Licorice, Schisandra, Gotu Kola, Codonopsis, California Spikenard, Rehmannia, Ashwagandha, Borage, citric acid
Schisandra chinensis Tincture (single herb)
Silybum marianum (Milk Thistle) Tincture (single herb)
Trifolium (Red Clover) Tincture (single herb)
Verbascum (Mullein) Tincture (single herb)
Vitex agnus castis (Chaste Tree) Tincture (single herb)
Herbal Products from Wise Woman Herbals
- ARCH Oil Compound
Ingredients: Arnica oil, Rue oil, Calendula oil, St. John’s wort oil, vitamin E, in organic extra virgin olive oil.
Astragalus Tincture (single herb)
Crataegus (Hawthorne) Tincture (single herb)
Elderberry Plus Syrup
Ingredients: Elderberry, vitamin C, Echinacea, Osha, zinc picolinate, Sweet Orange essential oil, in organic certified kosher vegetable glycerine. Note: Does not contain honey.
Eleuthero Solid Extract in vegetable glycerine and honey.
Glycyrrhiza glabra(Licorice) Tincture (single herb)
Green Tea Solid Extract in vegetable glycerine and honey.
Herbal CE I Tincture
Ingredients: Marshmallow, Elecampane, Osha, Mullein, Wild black cherry bark, Old man’s beard, Bitter fennel, Licorice, Orange peel, Propolis, menthol crystals in a base of mountain spring water, honey, and organic alcohol (18-23%)
- Herbal CE II Tincture
Ingredients: Marshmallow, Old man’s beard, Wild black cherry bark, Elecampane, Osha, Rose hips, Lemon Grass, Yerba Santa, Cinnamon, Mullein, Orange peel, orange essential oil and lemon essential oil in mountain spring water, certified kosher vegetable glycerine, and organic alcohol (18-23%)
Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) Tincture (single herb)
Immune Glycerite
Ingredients: Echinacea pur., Yerba santa, Wild black cherry, Elecampane, Goldenseal, Echinacea ang., Mullein, Osha, Ginger in vegetable glycerine, spring water, potassium sorbate solution, bitter orange essential oil, sweet orange essential oil, lemon essential oil, and ginger essential oil.
- Kalmerite Glycerite
Ingredients: California poppy, Catnip, Chamomile, Lemon balm, Passionflower, Lavender in vegetable glycerine, spring water, potassium sorbate solution, lemon essential oil, sweet orange essential oil, and lavender essential oil.
- Khella Compound
Ingredients: Khella, Gumweed, Elecampane, Licorice, Mullein, Yerba Santa, Cayenne in spring water, vegetable glycerine, and organic alcohol
- Kidney Support Tonic
Ingredients: Dan shen, Ginkgo, Cornsilk, Asian ginseng, Astragalus, Chinese rhubarb in mountain spring water, certified kosher vegetable glycerine, and organic alcohol (18-23%)
Licorice Solid Extract in a base of certified kosher vegetable glycerine
Livixir Elixir
Ingredients: Celandine, Dandelion, Milk thistle, Artichoke, Marshmallow, Bitter fennel, Chinese thoroughwax, Oregon grape, Fennel essential oil in mountain spring water, honey, and organic alcohol (18-23%)
- Menomorphosis Tincture
Ingredients: Burdock, Dong quai, Black cohosh, Chaste tree, Licorice, Motherwort in spring water and organic alcohol
- Phytoguard Junior Glycerite
Ingredients: Echinacea pur., Echinacea ang., Osha, Licorice in vegetable glycerine, spring water, potassium sorbate solution, sweet orange essential oil, fennel essential oil and lemon essential oil.
- Phytoprogest Tincture
Ingredients: Chaste tree, Wild yam, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Fenugreek in organic alcohol and spring water
- Respiratory Support Tincture
Ingredients: Stinging nettle, Astragalus, Chinese thoroughwax, Cornsilk, Elecampane, Yerba santa, Mullein, Horseradish in spring water, organic alcohol and vegetable glycerin
- Sweet Dreams Tincture
Ingredients: California poppy, passionflower, Hops in spring water, organic alcohol and vegetable glycerine.
Taraxicum (Dandelion) Tincture (single herb)
Viburnum (Cramp bark) Tincture (single herb)
Withania (Ashwagandha) Tincture (single herb)
Zingibir officinalis (Ginger) Tincture (single herb)