Upcoming Detox Workshops

Here’s information for our Upcoming Detox Classes!

Cleanse information

Our. spring cleanse will be a two week cleanse this year. If you have done the cleanse in the past, you may understand that while there are 3 meetings, the cleanse itself is only two weeks. There is a meeting at the beginning, the middle and the end.

Classes this time will be IN PERSON! I will run a very good air purifier during the classes. They’ll be held around the table at my home. 

While I will be talking about some toxins and best ways to avoid, I am not doing powerpoint slides this year. Feeling ready to try something new and see how it goes!

The cleanse is great for a reset, diet change, weight loss, clear up skin, reduce headaches, and boost energy levels.

It is not a fast, but recommended to start with a two day semi fast to start with, which includes the cleanse protein powder. Beyond that it is healthy food changes and some great liver supplements and lifestyle recommendations to help detox.

Like buying airline tickets, you’re not booked until you pay for the class.  Let Jessica know if you are interested. Space is limited. frontdesk@drthyr.com is her email or call 707-780-6033.

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